Shelling out money for new servers can take a chunk out of your budget. If you want to save on costs, then consider the merits of buying refurbished Sun servers. Does refurbished and used mean the same thing? A lot of people think refurbished has the same meaning as...
Timmy Milton
A Complete Guide for Backup Disaster Recovery in Irvine, CA
If there is a natural disaster such as an earthquake, there is a risk that all of your company’s data will be lost in the aftermath. Or, if there is a disaster in the workplace such as a fire, it may lead to a loss of data. If your company’s data hasn’t been backed up...
Ensuring Business Continuity In The Event Of A Server Failure
One of the biggest worries of any business owner, IT manager or IT department is that a server fails. To help to offset this very real concern, most companies look to managed IT services to provide server backup and backup disaster recovery assistance. Some companies...
Top Benefits of Online Marketing in Houston, TX
If you have spent anytime in the online world as a small business, you probably already know the reasons that you should be doing online marketing in Houston, TX. However, many business owners don’t seem to realize what the benefits of online and digital marketing...
Tips for Choosing an Internet Marketing Agency to Turn Your Pages Around
The wrong marketing team can doom your business. Here’s how to make sure you’re getting the right internet marketing agency in Augusta GA on board. Ask them about their strategy What kind of marketing approach and strategy will the company use for your business? Find...